Another Dr. Craig Alan Bittner Victim

August 26, 2008

Blogging, Message Boards, Forums, Make Me Heal and Plasmetic

Lumps, bumps, dents and other ugly stuff!

Lumps, bumps, dents and other ugly stuff!

Please vist or!

We would all like to believe that what we read on the net is true. Life is never that simple. Business sites always put their best face forward, even if they have to lie to do it. So we look to blogs, forums and message boards to see if we can find other information that either supports or contradicts the claims of those who want us to spend our money on their products and services. Sadly, even these resources can be deceptive.

Critics/complainers: People who are unhappy will sometimes post their complaints on the net. Research shows that most people do not take the time to do so, many never even voice their complaints to the source of the problem. This means that for every negative comment you find, there are probably dozens more that are not published; perhaps hundreds. However, some of these negative comments can also be greatly exaggerated or completely fabricated by angry customers or former employees. How do you know what is true? It is not easy.

  • First, consider the overall complaint. Is someone mad because they did not get the toy they wanted in their kid’s meal? (yes, I have seen this!) Or did they lose lots of money on something that did not perform properly? Was their safety threatened? Were laws broken?
  • Second, what information is provided? Is it an emotionally charged opinion of how bad something was? Or a simple, basic, detailed description of the events that allows the readers to form their own opinions? Is the author just bad-mouthing, calling names and using strongly suggestive language….or fairly benign terminology?
  • Lastly, is there any evidence? Pictures, documents, links, contact information? Have they spent more time and money to correct the problems?

Businesses: We should all be aware that those who wish to sell us goods and services will tell us how wonderful their product is and conveniently leave out any negatives. We call this “advertising.” AND…the internet has provided a forum for a whole new level of self promotion that is even more dishonest than flashy ads with promises of amazing results. Where does this happen? In the same blogs, forums and message boards that we use get help from other consumers. Some of the deception is downright sick. While some companies monitor internet communications in order to improve and address customer issues and complaints, others are using them to distort, manipulate and further their shameless self-promotion. It happens with cell phones, internet providers and medical “professionals.”

Yes, it’s true. Staff members and employees hired just to “blog” pose as satisfied customers and tell, big, fat, fabulous lies about how great product “X” is. Sometimes they even claim to have resolved an issue hoping that the customer will not “keep up” with comments on the site. Still, others pose as satisfied customers/supporters who try to discredit those with legitimate complaints.

Another method that businesses use to censor customer comment is to advertise or otherwise “fund” the “public” message site. You guessed it, any negative complaint or experience will be removed with claims of “legal protection.” Funny though, negative feeback about businesses who are not “associated” with the site can usually still be found. Take a look, is the doctor you are researching a paid advertiser on your forum? Hmmmmm……..

One last method of manipulating public resources is to have an employee or customer who may have received free products or services function as the “moderator” of the group. Zing! Any post or person that knocks their benefactor is removed with some silly excuse.

How do I know this? It’s in the news. Better minds than mine have researched and proved it. It has happened to people I know. It has happened to me. I have been banned from Make Me Heal and censored on Plasmetic, for nothing more than posting the URL to my website. Can I prove who or why?……..

No. But it does not take “proof” to see that there is some shady reasoning behind some of the events. There are others who have been banned or censored as well, for posting their own experiences with the very same “business” as I have. Take time to read some of the posts from very questionable “happy patients” who write with fairlytale raves, just in the nick of time to counter comments by an unhappy patient. I have received many letters from people for whom the authenticity of these posts is suspect. It’s not just me…others think they are suspicious too!

On the subject of Dr. Bittner, there have been several people who have suspected that there is some funny business going on in some of the medical message boards and “public” forums. Has it been proved? Not yet. Maybe never. But, how many centuries did it take until people believed the world was not flat? Surprisingly, there are still some who still think it is flat! No kidding!

Better yet, find the post on Plasmetic ( where a “patient” claims that my website is “bogus” because I have links to my “other personal sites” and on them..and I have a lot of “drama.” It seems I have been fighting with and bad-mouthing my neighbors. As a leader in our neighborhood watch, I shared this with some of them, we laughed until we cried. Notice that when “someonenew” was questioned about the “other sites” to which she referred..the thread was soon closed. Why doesn’t Plasmetic want readers to discuss this doctor unless they are “happy?” Are those happy patients real? or employees? Do you want to ignore the bad work that a doctor does just because he may have done some good work? Is it worth the risk? If you are unlucky enough to have bad results, do you want to be turned away for corrections? HAVE YOU SEEN MY PICTURES? Patients should be able to expect RESPONSIBLE care from a doctor. More importantly, a patient should be informed if the doctor is going to have someone else perform the surgery BEFORE they lie on the table! (rant over)

I was shocked over hearing about this claim of ” links to “other sites”, “drama” and my neighbors! How could someone(new) be stupid enough to make a claim that ANYONE could immediately prove false by simply searching the site for these imaginary links? What other “personal” sites are linked on I don’t recall ever linking any. But the sad truth is that people do not often stop to think or to verify information they read. And “someonenew” was banking that there were enough stupid people who would believe the claim. Will you be a victim of her assumption?

This is a very personal issue, an important one, that needed to be addressed in order to help others. Check it out…do you see links to my “personal sites?” Please, do check it out…expecially the links to the Medical Board disciplinary action pages and Los Angeles court pages. Those are real. Read the story, see the pictures.

Most importantly, think critically when you surf the net. Be aware of posts that sound suspicious, threads on “public” forums that seem to be too one-sided and stories that provide no evidence. That is why I made my site, so that I could provide the facts without censorship. Am I a drama queen who fights with her neighbors and posts it to her personal sites?..or someone who provides real information that you can verify with an attorney and government offices? If you think the former, can you help me get and agent? ….cause, baby, it takes a real dedicated actor to do what it took to get those photos! Again, see the site, decide for yourself and share the information with others.

When you look for help in forums, question what you see…….Is important consumer information being censored on your forum?

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